Psoriasis Disability Index

Psoriasis Disability Index

The Psoriasis Disability Index is intended for patients 16 years and older, and consists of fifteen simple, disease-specific questions. Each question is graded from 0 to 4, resulting in a maximum score of 45. The overall score suggests the impact that psoriasis has had on the patient during the last four weeks.
This score is used to show changes in disability following treatment. The scoring of each question is based on a four-point scale:

Not at all = 0
A little = 1
A lot = 2 
Very much = 3

When totaled, the score from each of the questions results in a maximum of 45 and a minimum of 0.

Psoriasis Disability Index

A low score reflects that psoriasis has had little effect; a high score reflects a significant impact and indicates that a visit to the doctor is advisable. There are many excellent support services and treatments available to treat this disease, and reason for hope in the future.
Each question relates to the last four weeks only.
Daily Activities
1. In the last four weeks, how much has your psoriasis interfered with you carrying out work around the house or garden? 

Not at all 
A little 
A lot 
Very much

2. Over the last four weeks, how often have you worn different types or colors of clothes because of your psoriasis? 

Not at all 
A little 
A lot 
Very much

3. Over the last four weeks, how much more have you had to change or wash your clothes?
Not at all 
A little 
A lot 
Very much

4. Over the last four weeks, how much of a problem has your psoriasis been at the hairdresser's?
Not at all 
A little 
A lot 
Very much

5. Over the last four weeks, how much has your psoriasis resulted in you having to take more baths than usual?

Not at all 
A little 
A lot 
Very much 

If usually working, please answer questions 6a and 7a, then go to question 8. If you are not working, please answer questions 6b and 7b.

6(a). How much has your psoriasis made you lose time from work over the last four weeks?
  (b). How much has your psoriasis stopped you from carrying out your normal daily activities over the last four weeks?

Not at all 
A little 
A lot 
Very much 

7(a). How much has your psoriasis prevented you from doing things at work or school over the last four weeks?
  (b). How much has your psoriasis altered the way in which you carry out your normal daily activities over the last four weeks?
Not at all 
A little 
A lot 
Very much 

8. Has your career been affected by your psoriasis (e.g., promotion refusal, lost a job, asked to change a job)?

Not at all 
A little 
A lot 
Very much 

Personal Relationships
9. Has your psoriasis resulted in sexual difficulties over the last four weeks?
Not at all 
A little 
A lot 
Very much 

10. Has your psoriasis created problems with your partner or any of your dose friends or relatives over the last four weeks?
Not at all 
A little 
A lot 
Very much

11. Over the last four weeks, how much has your psoriasis stopped you from going out socially or to any function? 

Not at all 
A little 
A lot 
Very much

12. Over the last four weeks, has your psoriasis made it difficult to do any sports?
Not at all 
A little
A lot 
Very much
13. Have you been unable to use, been criticized for, or stopped from using communal bathing or changing facilities over the last four weeks?
Not at all 
A little 
A lot 
Very much 

14. Over the last four weeks, has your psoriasis resulted in you smoking or drinking alcohol more than you would normally?
Not at all 
A little 
A lot 
Very much 


15. To what extent has your psoriasis or treatment made your home messy or untidy over the last four weeks?

Not at all 
A little 
A lot 
Very much

Psoriasis Disability Index

To find out more, you can check out Psoriasis Disability Index.