Several other conditions can resemble psoriasis in children, and might be mistaken for psoriasis.
Pityriasis Rosea
- Pityriasis rosea is a skin rash that occurs most commonly in people aged 10-35.
- Pityriasis rosea can follow a cold (upper respiratory infection), much like guttate psoriasis, and may be confused with this type of psoriasis.
- The condition may begin as a single, large, scaling, pink patch (larger than 3/8 inch/1 centimeter, flat) on the chest or back.
- About a week or two later, multiple, flat, scaling, pink-red patches occur on the chest, back, upper arms, and legs.
- The face and scalp are seldom involved, whereas in psoriasis the scalp is frequently involved.
- The rash usually fades over about eight weeks.
Psoriasis Lookalike Symptoms In Children |
Seborrheic Dermatitis
- Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin disorder that is red, scaly, and occasionally itchy.
- Scaling of the scalp appears yellow and is greasy in texture.
- It most commonly involves the scalp, sides of the nose, eyebrows, eyelids, and middle of the chest.
- It occurs most frequently in infancy when it is known as cradle cap. Cradle cap usually clears between 1 and 2 years of age.
- In some infants, seborrheic dermatitis may occur in the diaper area, where it may be confused with other types of diaper rashes, including psoriasis (napkin psoriasis).
- Eczema is a common chronic and recurring inflammation of the skin.
- About 90 percent of eczema cases begin in childhood, usually before the age of 5. In contrast, psoriasis tends to occur in older children and adults, and usually develops between the ages of 15 and 35.
- Scaling in atopic dermatitis is usually mild. Scaling in psoriasis can be severe.
- Asthma and hay fever can occur with eczema.
- Eczema affects approximately 10-20 percent of children.
- Eczema is very itchy and is often known as the "itch that rashes."
- The skin in eczema appears red and cracked (fissures}, and it is often difficult to see a clear line between involved and uninvolved skin. In psoriasis, the skin is red, thick, with silvery-white scales and, less commonly, forms cracks (fissures). It is easy to see a clear line between involved and uninvolved skin.
- Children with eczema are prone to skin infections such as viral infections (warts, cold sore infection) and bacterial infection of the skin with yellow crusting.
- Eczema tends to present with different patterns (areas of involvement on the body) than psoriasis. In babies and infants, eczema involves the face and neck. In children and adolescents, the inner crease of the arm, behind the knees, and the face are sites that are frequently involved.
- Psoriasis tends to involve areas of the body that are the opposite of eczema: the elbows, the front of the knees, and the scalp, and often spares the face.
Psoriasis Lookalike Symptoms In Children |
Candida (Yeast) Infection
- Genital psoriasis can be confused with candida infections.
- Candida infections of the skin are caused by a type of yeast.
- Candida can occur anywhere on the body, but favors skin creases such as those under the breasts, armpits, and groin.
- A scraping of the skin can be examined under a microscope or sent to the laboratory for culture. This will help distinguish between candida (positive culture) and psoriasis (negative culture).